The Natal Lily, botanically known as Clivia miniata, offers a vivid burst of orange blooms from Djilba to Kambarang (late winter to mid-spring). Admired for its rich evergreen foliage and stunning flower clusters, it serves as a captivating centrepiece whether in outdoor garden spaces or inside as an ornamental potted plant. As a perennial herb, the Natal Lily seamlessly adapts, thriving both outdoors in shaded beds or as an indoor container plant.
For those choosing in-ground planting, incorporating a quality soil conditioner is beneficial, especially in sandy soils. It prefers well-draining soil and flourishes under partial to full shade, requiring regular watering, slightly less during cooler periods. As its primary growing season spans Birak to Bunuru (mid-summer to early autumn), feeding with a general-purpose fertiliser in Kambarang (late spring) ensures optimal health and vibrancy.
Botanical Name | Clivia miniata |
Common Name | Bush Lily, Flame Lily, Natal Lily |
Cultivar | Orange Form |
Classification |
Shade or Indoor |
PBR Name | |
Origin | South Africa |
Foliage | Evergreen |
Height | 60 - 90 cm |
Width | 60 - 90 cm |
Light | Full sun to part shade. Will perform better in shade in summer. |
Soil | Well drained |
Water Requirement | Plant in a well drained soil but can tolerate dryness. |
Lifespan | Perennial |
Flower Colour | Orange |
Flower Time | Makuru to Kambarang (Winter to Spring) |
Toxicity | Toxic to cats and dogs if ingested; non-toxic to humans |
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