Prunus persica - 2-Way - TRIXZIE® - Dwarf Peach and Nectarine

SKU: KGC04220

Size: 330 mm
Sale price$139.00

Tax included


A dual-grafted Nectarine/Peach with Flemings' two Trixzie® dwarf varieties on the one tree - "Nectazee" and "Pixzie". Both varieties are self-fertile, but pollinate one-another resulting in heavy-cropping. Requires 250-500 chill hours making it an excellent fruiter in Perth. Dual-grafted trees are fully self-fertile as the two varieties will pollinate one-another. As a result, they take up less room as you don't have to buy two separate trees.

Shapely branches, long bright green leaves, bears delicious, juicy yellow-fleshed fruit with moderate firmness.

Shapely branches, long bright green leaves, bears delicious, juicy yellow-fleshed fruit.

Botanical Name Prunus persica
Common Name  Nectarine, Peach
Cultivar 2-Way - Trixzie® Pixzie - Nectazee
Fruiting and Edible
PBR Name
Origin China
Foliage Deciduous / Makuru (Winter) dormant
Height 1.5 - 2 M
Width 1.5 - 2 M
Light Full sun to part shade
Soil Well-draining, rich, fertile soil. Can be grown in a container in a premium, well-draining potting mix.
Water Requirement Performs best with regular water through hot weather.
Lifespan Perennial
Flower Colour Pink to lavender and fragrant.
Flower Time Djilba (Early Spring) can sporadically flower year-round except during its dormant Makuru (Winter) season.
Toxicity Peach and nectarine seeds contain cyanide and are toxic to humans if chewed or ground up. They are also large enough to be a choking hazard, particularly in children. Entire plant contains cyanide and is toxic to dogs, cats, horses and other pets if ingested, particularly during Autumn.

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