Philodendron - WHITE PRINCESS

SKU: WPN01060

Size: 140 mm
Sale price$19.00

Tax included


White Princess is a self-heading, semi-climbing/creeping variety of Philodendron which sends out mid-sized leaves with random splashes of bright, white variegation, occasionally even some pink. White Princess is very easy to grow and care for in Perth, requiring only a moderate sized pot, well-draining soil and bright, indirect sunlight out of strong winds. A stunning place that's a proven delight in Perth patios and houses.

Botanical Name Philodendron erubescens x hybrida
Common Name  Philodendron
Cultivar White Princess
PBR Name
Origin Colombia
Foliage Evergreen
Height 60 cm - 1 M
Width 60 cm - 1 M
Light Bright, indirect sunlight out of strong winds.
Soil Well-draining soil.
Water Requirement Keep the soil moist in temperatures over 15 C, allowing the soil to drain.
Lifespan Perennial
Flower Colour White with a reddish tinge
Flower Time Birak/Bunuru (Summer)
Toxicity Moderately toxic to humans and animals if ingested

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