Hibiscus tiliaceus rubra - Red Cottonwood

SKU: 9336490022934

Size: 200 mm
Sale price$25.00

Tax included


The Cottonwood Hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus var. rubra) is a true standout in the garden, flipping the script with its large soft yellow blooms that fade gracefully into a warm, soft orange-red. You can expect this floral performance all year round, with an encore during the warmer months. Transitioning from a deep burgundy, the new foliage eventually settles into a rich deep green, like a seasoned performer taking a final bow.

For those in Perth, this large shrub to small tree is practically a garden VIP, having proven its mettle time and again. Needing little more than a nod in its direction, it's drought-hardy once established. Plus, whether you're going for a gentle trim or a more assertive chop, it's pretty chill about it any time of year. Ideal for hedging or as a windbreak, you might also want to give your sandy soil a boost with some soil conditioner to make this hibiscus feel right at home.

Botanical Name Hibiscus tiliaceus var. rubra (Syn. Talipariti tiliaceum)
Common Name  Cottonwood Hibiscus
Cultivar Rubrum
Large Shrubs
PBR Name
Origin Coastal Australia, South-east Asia, South Pacific
Foliage Evergreen
Height 6 - 8 M
Width 5 - 6 M
Light Full sun
Soil Grows best in well-draining, sandy or loamy soil improved with soil conditioner.
Water Requirement Give deep, consistant watering while establishing through hot weather. Very drought-hardy once established.
Lifespan Perennial
Flower Colour Soft yellow fading to soft orange-red
Flower Time Year-round, more prolific in hot weather.
Toxicity Non-toxic to humans.
Toxic to dogs and cats if ingested.

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